SAVE Table Mountain's Forests

  • por: Don Morris
  • destinatário: Head of South African National Parks

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Cape Town in South Africa is known as a beautiful place to visit. Table Mountain is it's main feature. Sections of the mountain are covered in forests of pine and gum trees, grown in plantations for wood supply for the past 300 years. These forests are beautiful, containing trees ever 80 metres (250 feet) high which provide lovely cool places for people to walk and exercise.
Now the trees are being cut down. By 2018 all the pine and gum trees and therefore all of the tall forests will be cut down and the ground will be exposed to the ravages of the hot African sun.
We need 50,000 signatures on our petition to stop the forests from being destroyed. Once we have the signatures we will petition for the law to be changed.

Please go to the website at to see a short 2 minute video that will show you the forests and how they are being destroyed.

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