ABC Remove “The View”

    “The View” is a biased, hypocritical show and needs to be canceled immediately by ABC. Now they mock Christianity. They say our Vice President has a “mental illness” and that he is delusional if he thinks he speaks to god. Stop keeping the show on the air simply for ratings.

    I pray. I speak to God and I believe he speaks back to me through the actions of others. Have a terminal illness or major medical emergency and trust me you will speak to god and pray to god for help. I did.

    This show is disgusting. Get rid of it and let’s focus one of the many real problems in our country.

    I believe in God and I believe in this country and if that’s a bad thing Joy Behar too bad.

    Signed someone who is sick of “The View” and it’s anti-American and anti-Christianity views.
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