Murray City is currently the only surrounding jurisdiction of Salt Lake County without a current policy to allow backyard chickens to be raised and kept. Not only do these birds provide a great many services to our environment, they are also wonderful companions. Chickens are very easy to maintain, they require very little interventions; food and upkeep are low. Chickens provide food for your family as well as pest control for your yard, while their waste is great for garden and flower beds. It is my hope that petitioning the city council to re-visit the issue of backyard chickens will provide some protection to those already raising and keeping backyard hens and modivate other families to become more self-sufficient by raising their own flock.

Atualização #33 anos atrás
Turns out our animal control officer was wrong. Murray city turned all animal issued over to SL county accept for domestic fowl. I heard back from one of the council women I emailed and she is supportive and said that at the next council meeting we can have this issue added to the agenda. She is wanting public comments submitted for the hearing. I will update more when I know dates. If you are interested in coming to provide a statement or letter, let me know!! Power to the People!
Atualização #23 anos atrás
Things are happening!!! Someone from Salt Lake Animal Control reached out because they saw my post on shared on Facebook. This person is an animal control officer who has 5 chickens! He said that Salt Lake County services took over all the animal issuers in Murray as of this year. He says that some people are not familiar with the new jurisdiction. We told him everything and he said we’re completely safe. We have some permit paperwork coming to us tomorrow! Fingers crossed!
Atualização #13 anos atrás
Thank you to everyone who has signed! We're feeling more hopeful with every signature. I'm meeting lots of new chicken friends and neighbors willing to help our cause! We have also Contacted a local city council woman who is sympathetic to our cause. Please contact her and let her know you support backyard chickens!

Diane Turner

Thank you all!!
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