Stop the Capture and Trade of Cheetahs

  • por: Animal Advocates
  • destinatário: Nambia Ministry of Environment, Botswana Department of Environmental Affairs, Zimbabwe Environment and Natural Resources Management Department

The endangered cheetah is a protected species in Namibia, but people are allowed to remove cheetahs if they pose a threat to livestock or human life. Unfortunately, some farmers will capture cheetahs indiscriminately, often removing or killing those that have not taken any livestock.

International trade in live animals and skins is permitted from Namibia, Zimbabwe, and Botswana. Illegal trade in other parts of Africa and indiscriminate capture and removal in southern Africa continue to threaten the survival of this species. Stop the capture and international trade of cheetahs.

The endangered cheetah is a protected species in Namibia, but people are allowed to remove cheetahs if they pose a threat to livestock or human life. Unfortunately, some farmers will capture cheetahs indiscriminately, often removing or killing those that have not taken any livestock.

International trade in live animals and skins is permitted from Namibia, Zimbabwe, and Botswana. Illegal trade in other parts of Africa and indiscriminate capture and removal in southern Africa continue to threaten the survival of this species. Stop the capture and international trade of cheetahs.

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