Captain Charles Moore asks on behalf of the Plastic Soup Foundation, The North Sea Foundation and many other NGO’s consumers to BOYCOTT cosmetic products containing plastic ingredients and to SIGN this petition.Without knowing it, most of you daily contribute to the Plastic Soup by scrubbing your body, brushing your teeth, cleaning your face or washing your hair, because the plastic micro beads inside these products will be washed down the drain.

This debris are about the same size range as plankton organisms and marine species are not able to distinguish food from this micro plastic.
On top of that micro beads also concentrate persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and are thus a transport medium for toxic chemicals in the marine environment. The fish you eat may be poisoned because of this.That’s why we should immediately BAN using plastic micro beads inside these products! I hereby urgently ask all Consumers worldwide to BOYCOTT products containing plastic ingredients and to SIGN this petition.

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