Please support the creation of an enclosed, off-leash dog park in Bloomington, IL

Our purpose, the creation of the "Bloomington Dog Park", will fulfill the needs of many individuals as well as the needs of our dogs: a safe place for our dogs to run and play off-leash, developing new friendships with other dog owners, exercise for the humans as well, and another avenue to help retain a sense of community. 

Please support the creation of an enclosed, off-leash dog park in Bloomington, IL.
A dog park would not only provide a safe place for owners to exercise their canine friends, but it would also provide a place for the community to meet and share a common interest.  Just as other taxpayers enjoy convenient public swimming pools, jogging trails, golf courses, and playgrounds, dog owners need a place to exercise and enjoy their pets in a safe and healthy environment.  Most dogs require regular exercise that leash restrictions do not permit.  The cardiovascular benefit provided by healthy play, running, swimming, and interactions with other dogs and owners will promote longevity, weight control, mental health and develop a greater bond.

Happy and healthier dogs are calmer and better behaved, reducing nuisance barking and other misbehaviors, helping the community as a whole.  It provides an opportunity to build affection and bond with the gentle and loyal animal.  The undersigned voting residents of Bloomington-Normal and the surrounding area, hereby petition Bloomington City Council in creating a fenced-in, off-leash dog park, within the city limits of Bloomington. 
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