S.O.S.- Save our seals!

Starting April millons of baby Harp seals will be hammered, hacked, and bashed to death by grreedy humans who want their fur-a worthless cause!
Imagine, having your daughter or son smashed and skinned alive! 
This is so sad, and I am currently looking up the Canadian goverment's address so I can tell them to STOP KILLING SEALS! 
If you want to help some more, look up: 
Canada's Shame,
by Peta2
Seal Hunt, by Humane Society of the United States 
Saving Seals, by IFAW (Click-to-donate)

I have Canada's prime minister's e-mail.

Dear Stephen Harper,
I am deeply saddened because you allow thousands of helpless baby seals to be brutally bashed by clubs in the name of fashion. Many outside of Canada are concerned with the hunt and want to stop it. Please do something to stop the hunt! We are counting on you!

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