Help Save Stolen Children

  • por: Mummy Fighter

Please sign this petition to Help save Child A and Child B from Forced Adoption, and to save them from a life in the uk care system that is clearly failing them. Child A is 8yrs and Child B is 3yrs, they have both stated that they want to come home, but their wishes and feelings are being ignored. They have both suffered injuries and negelct whilst in state care, along with emotional abuse. We have had our contact cancelled time after time and never reinstated. We are currently supposed to see eachother for 1hr and 30 minutes per fortnight, this will then turn to once a month. A and B were always loved by me their mother. I never did and never would ever intentionally harm them. Our lives have been turned upside down, and inside out. All, they both want is to be back home with Mummy again where they were loved and cared for and above all where they were protected from harm. Please sign this petition to help save these children. Thank You. X X X X X

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