Engage in Contraceptive Measures to Reduce Wild Burro Issues

  • por: Sue Lee
  • destinatário: The US Bureau of Land Management (BLM)

In the area around the Death Valley National Park in California, there are groups of wild burros that gather around the various watering holes.  A recent report states that a missing hiker in this area was actually saved until rescued because of his instincts to follow these animals to water that literally saved his life.  These burros have found home in the desert as early as the 1800s with a strong will to live when others cannot survive the elements. 

These animals are supposed to be protected by federal law according to the documentation in the report at http://www.onegreenplanet.org/animalsandnature/wild-burros-help-rescue-a-lost-hiker-in-death-valley/.

These are very hardy animals that are related to the African Wild Ass that thrives well in an arid environment. They are however threatened by government policies that is affecting their numbers due to a genetic crisis.  We are asking the US Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to intervene with issues that involves interbreeding by implementing some contraceptive measures that will ensure healthier animals. Previously, the burros were managed by cruel helicopter roundups to remove numerous burros from their habitat. 

We are asking that these animals be protected in accordance with the Wild Free Roaming Burros Act of 1971 and help them genetically through healthy and safe contraceptive measures. We need to protect these wild burros as natural components of the land they love and exist. The BLM chooses how many burros can live in certain areas and implementing a safe method to reduce their numbers would protect the ones that feel comfortable and thrive.

You can help us in our efforts to preserve the existence of the wild burros in their own natural habitat through a safe contraceptive method by signing and sharing this petition.  These animals are in danger and even with protection by a volunteer organization, lacking in sufficient funds, we need to do what we can to help by speaking out to the BLM. 

The US Bureau of Land Management (BLM) – We are asking you to do more to protect the wild burros around the Death Valley National Park in California.  In efforts to control numbers of the animals in certain areas where there are also issues of interbreeding, we are asking that you implement a safe method of contraception for the animals for their own health and well-being.

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