Demand the Endangered Species Act Protect Pangolins

  • por: London Ruff
  • destinatário: US EPA - specifically the Endangered Species Act

Over 100,000 Pangolins were illegally trafficked within the last two years and it is estimated that almost 300 are poached each day. 

The ESA has the power to help protect these animals by adding all 8 species to its endagered species list. Join me in calling for them to add all 8 species and save this animal from the horrific poachers!

By calling for all 8 species to be added to the list the US can inspire other countries to stand up for the underrepresented Pangolin and spread the word that this animal needs our help! 

Pangolin scales are treated much the same as ivory on the black market and are believed to have increadible healing powers despite being made of Keratin, these sweet, docile animals are being taken and butchered for no real reason and it is up to us to stand up for them.

Once again, help me petition the ESA to add ALL species of Pangolin to its list so that we can protect these creatures.

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