Regulate the Breeding and Sale of Animals in Indian River County

Ban the Sale of Commercially Bred Pets by Pet Stores.
Initiate a Mandatory Spay and Neuter Law.
Legalize Trap, Neuter and Return of Community Cats.

Pet Overpopulation. Euthanasia is the single largest cause of death for cats and dogs in our country. In 2016, Indian River County Humane Society euthanized 1,659 dogs and cats while only 1,238 found adoptive homes. We spent $132,720 killing them.*

Eliminate the sale of cats and dogs by pet stores. The continued sale of commercially bred pet shop pets is inexcusable. They are often sold with parasites, infection and disease to the unsuspecting public. These sales take homes away from deserving pets in our shelter and rescues, resulting in a higher kill rate. This year California outlawed the sale of all commercially bred pets in pet shops. We need to do the same.

Mandate that all dogs and cats be altered by 6 months of age unless a veterinarian deems it detrimental to an animal's health. In order to breed, a yearly breeder's license and vet wellness certification must be obtained. Initiate a fee of $500. for the breeder's license. Proceeds from licensing to fund a spay/neuter voucher program for use by any resident seeking assistance. The breeder's license is to be displayed with all advertising and sales.

Eliminate the killing of our community cared for cats. Many of our community cats have been trapped, vetted, vaccinated and neutered by caregivers. Their ears have been tipped to indicate this. Trap, Neuter and Return (TNR) is a highly effective and proven means of reducing roaming cat populations. Every county on the east coast of Florida practices some form of TNR, with the exception of Indian River Co. Our current method of control is Trap and Kill. It costs taxpayers $80. to euthanize any roaming cat caught by animal control. It is a cruel, expensive and ineffective means of control that needs to be replaced with a TNR program for permanent results.


*Statistics reflect all cats and dogs processed by IRC Humane Society in 2016.

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