Stop the Roosevelt Road Corridor Redevelopment Plan!

We, the undersigned, oppose the proposed redevelopment of the Roosevelt Road Corridor in Wheaton.

Areas of concern include:
1) Rezoning current office/research zones for commercial use.
2) Allowing commercial retail or residential complexes to purchase and build on parcels behind Roosevelt Road.
3) Eliminating the requirement for Roosevelt Road office space to maintain a "residential look."
4) The construction of large, multi-family dwellings along the corridor.
5) Reducing front yard and backyard setback requirements.
6) Increasing the building height allowance on any parcel adjacent to a residential property.

We urge leaders within the Wheaton City Council, Wheaton Planning and Zoning Board, and Board of Trustees to stand alongside the citizens of Wheaton in preventing these and other redevelopments that would alter the character and atmosphere of homes and neighborhoods adjacent to the corridor.

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