Remove Common Core from Alabama Schools it is bad education

The Common Core school "standards" are not what our children need. These "standards" and the way they are implemented in our children's schools are confusing our children more than anything else. Common Core is overcomplicating every aspect of our children's education. It is NOT providing them the education they need to compete on an international scale. All Common Core is doing is ruining the educational system and creating chaos amongst our future leaders. We need to revert back to the original standards (the simple form of math, allowing 1st graders to learn to read BEFORE giving them mathmatical word problems to solve and then bashing their confidence when they cannot keep up with these ridiculous standards.) Even parents, some of whom have MASTERS DEGREES cannot explain the processes Common Core expects of our children. This program is nothing more than a step back for our country and our kid's educations. Let's take back our children's futures and force this Common Core Standard out of America's equation. We need to focus on our children and their education, not the education being given in Japan or Europe. It is up to you, parents and educators, to take a stand against these ridiculous concepts being forced upon our children. There is nothing wrong with simply subtracting 4 from 8 without having to write a paragraph on how you got that answer BEFORE you've even learned to read. Don't let the government ruin our children. Stand up America. Stand up for the kids who can't speak up for themselves.
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