Maximum Sentencing for Martin Gray Spivey, alleged dog killer

In the early morning hours of July 21, 2006, a 4 year old Akita named Rocky lay dying as the result of being shot in the face with both barrels of a shotgun during a domestic violence altercation.

In the rural area of East Bend, NC, on the night of July 20, Martin Spivey, 47, who was estranged from his family, became intoxicated, borrowed a double-barrel shotgun from a friend and drove to the family home where he quarreled with his wife. Their two young children were present during the altercation. Spivey threatened his wife, then turned, took aim, and shot Rocky in the face with both barrels of the shotgun.

Mr. Spivey then became verbally abusive and attempted to resist Reporting Officer efforts to escort him to the patrol car. Reporting Officer placed Reporting Officer's hand on the upper chest and throat area and pushed him to the wall and regained Control of him.
Yadkin County Sheriff's Office 
Docket #06-CR-51123    Communicating Threats 
Docket #06-CR-51124    Class 1 Felony Animal
In the early morning hours of July 21, 2006, a 4 year old Akita named Rocky lay dying as the result of being shot in the face with both barrels of a shotgun during a domestic violence altercation.

In the rural area of East Bend, NC, on the night of July 20, Martin Spivey, 47, who was estranged from his family, became intoxicated, borrowed a double-barrel shotgun from a friend and drove to the family home where he quarreled with his wife. Their two young children were present during the altercation. Spivey threatened his wife, then turned, took aim, and shot Rocky in the face with both barrels of the shotgun.

Mr. Spivey then became verbally abusive and attempted to resist Reporting Officer efforts to escort him to the patrol car. Reporting Officer placed Reporting Officer's hand on the upper chest and throat area and pushed him to the wall and regained Control of him.
Yadkin County Sheriff's Office 
Docket #06-CR-51123    Communicating Threats 
Docket #06-CR-51124    Class 1 Felony Animal

We ask that, upon conviction and in addition to serving the maximum period of incarceration, the accused in this case be required to undergo thorough psychological evaluations followed by mandatory counseling at their personal expense.
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