URGENT: Protect Inglewood From Overdevelopment, Traffic, & Parking Lot Sprawl!

Don't Let Developers Destroy Our Neighborhood for Profit!

IMMEDIATE ACTION NEEDED! EMAIL Nashville Council Members and tell them why your are opposed to this rezone. councilmembers@nashville.gov

Developers are trying to push through a rezoning request that would allow them to cram SIX 2-story (35') multi-unit HOA homes & a 12-stall, Commercial looking PARKING LOT onto the small corner lot at 1265 McGavockOxford. Our neighborhood's current zoning only allows 2.6 single-family homes to be built on that lot.

Their plan includes: Cutting down all 5 mature trees, killing all the green space with Roundup, replacing it with infill development 3x over the allowable density. It includes an ugly parking lot littered with 12 trash bins and 12 cars. Additional cars from this development would likely spill onto our already crowded street. 

    This is an outrageous proposal that will harm our environment, increase the traffic dangers that already exist at that narrow intersection, & lower our quality of life. Developers should not be allowed to profit at the expense of our neighborhood. We must act NOW to stop this rezoning! If we don't, it will set a dangerous precedent and open the floodgates to out-of-control overdevelopment in our neighborhood.

    Here are four actions you can take to stop this horrible development & rezone:

    1. Sign this petition with your name, address, & concerns.
    2. Share the petition with your neighbors & on social media to spread the word.
    3. Email all the Metro Council Members and our Council Rep, Emily Benedict asap. 
      • Send your email to:
      • Subject line: Opposition to Rezone Case # 2024SP-043-001
      • Email body: Include your full name, address, & a statement opposing the rezoning & supporting the preservation of the current RS7.5 zoning and Community Plan.
    4. Attend the Metro Council public hearing  at 6:30PM (Date is yet to be determined) to voice your opposition. Let them know we want to preserve our neighborhood's RS7.5 zoning & character and that you do not want parking lots & dense multi-unit HOA buildings on our street.

    Why this matters:

    • Zoning Impact: The total parcel is just 0.45 acres, which currently allows for 2.6 single-family homes, not 6 multi-family HOA units and a parking lot. This tripling of allowable development is completely incompatible with the surrounding properties.
    • Traffic & Safety: The proposed 6 multi-unit housing & parking lot will worsen existing issues with congestion, traffic, parking, & safety at an already dangerous intersection & in our neighborhood in general. 
    • Environmental Damage: This development would destroy mature trees, remove vital green space, while increasing air pollution, light pollution, noise pollution, & stormwater runoff. These mature trees serve as an important buffer against traffic noise, provide shade in the summer, & help reduce the environmental impact of overdevelopment.
    • Commercialization: The proposed development & parking lot would create a commercial-style vibe that is completely inappropriate for a residential neighborhood. It would undermine the character of Inglewood & create long-term issues for our community. Neighbors do not want a parking lot on our residential street that has already had to endure 2 newly added parking lots on that corner & all the traffic & problems that they bring.
    • Setting a Dangerous Precedent: If this rezoning is approved, it will set a dangerous precedent for future rezonings, opening the floodgates to more greedy overdevelopment, environmental destruction, & lowering the quality of life for the artists, environmentalists, musicians, and working people who live here and make the neighborhood special. Our neighborhood should not be sold out by our council member & developers to be their cash cow.

    Additional Information:

    • The current zoning is RS7.5, which mandates single-family homes on lots of 7,500 sq ft or more.
    • The Community Plan (T4 Neighborhood Maintenance) emphasizes that development should be compatible with existing homes & preserve the quality of life for current residents. This proposal is a clear violation of that principle in multiple ways (too many homes on one lot, setbacks that don't align, commercial parking lot, loss of green space, etc.)
    • Allowing this development would triple the allowable density for this site & is not in line with the neighborhood's character changing it to an overly urban environment that current homeowners did not buy into & expect our zoning laws to protect us from.

    We cannot let developers destroy what makes Inglewood special. Let's not sell-out our neighborhood. Stand up for our neighborhood zoning protections! We don't owe developers anything!

    Atualização #38 dias atrás
    This fight is not over yet! If we email Metro Council & show up to the hearing (date TBD) in masses, hopefully they will listen to us. This rezone is a bad idea. Most importantly, it will open the floodgates to more overdevelopment of Inglewood setting a dangerous precedent for future rezones to pass.

    Email councilmembers@nashville.gov & emily.benedict@nashville.gov
    Subject Oppose Rezone Case # 2024SP-043-001
    Include name, address, statement of opposition & support of preserving RS7.5 zoning
    Atualização #214 dias atrás
    Urgent! Make a plan to attend the Planning Commission meeting TOMORROW, THURS, 1/9 at 4PM to voice your opposition. If you can't attend, ask a neighbor, spouse, or friend. If we show up, this rezone won't pass.
    Stand up to speak so your opposition is considered. You'll have 2 min. We want to preserve our RS7.5 zoning & character. We don't want a parking lot & multiple houses on one lot at a dangerous intersection.
    Howard Office Bldg.
    700 President Ronald Reagan Way
    Sonny West Conference Center
    Atualização #115 dias atrás
    Please email the Planning Staff by 3 p.m. TODAY, Tues, JAN. 7 so your voice will be counted before the Planning meeting on Thurs, JAN. 9!

    Opposition to Rezone Case # 2024SP-043-001
    Include your full name & address

    Attend the Planning Commission meeting on THURS, JAN. 9 at 4PM to voice your opposition. Let them know we want to preserve our neighborhood's RS7.5 zoning & character & that you do not want parking lots & multiple houses on one lot.
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