Help end elephant cruelty this World Elephant Day

Elephant rides and shows are popular tourist activities but behind the scenes elephants are suffering.

It’s important to share stories of elephants abused in the tourism industry as many people just don’t know what really happens.

But hearing sad tale after sad tale can get you down.

So for World Elephant Day (12 August), we want to share with you some of the incredible wins for elephants that have been achieved with support from people like you.

The campaign so far

  • 13 venues  across South East Asia offer high welfare alternatives to cruel rides and shows – giving 194 elephants freedom to roam, forage and socialise as they would in the wild
  • 15,000+ people in Australia and New Zealand have pledged to be elephant-friendly travellers
  • More than 170 travel companies have stopped selling and promoting cruel elephant attractions
  • Up to 1,500 elephants will be protected by 2020, thanks to our new partnership with TUI Care Foundation, which will build a happier future for elephants.

There is still so much more to do. We’re gaining ground in the fight to end elephant cruelty.  But there are nearly 3,000 elephants suffering in cruel tourist venues across South East Asia.

That’s 3,000 reasons to take action. Please pledge to Not Get Taken for a Ride and help join the fight to end cruelty for elephants.

Thank you so much from the elephants. Together, we are moving the world to protect animals.

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