Demand The Tenney School Rose Martinez, Principal on leave or terminate her for animal abuse.

  • por: Louann Smith
  • destinatário: Michael Tenney and parents of children attending The Tenney School

Principal Rose Martinez cano be held responsible to take care of, nuture and help students at The Tenney Schhol if she cannot even take care of the medical needs of her own family pets.  Ms. Martinez is guilty of abuse and neglect of her family pets.

A local woman has been charged with animal cruelty, accused of neglecting her three dogs.

One of 57-year-old Rosa Martinez’s dogs, a Maltese and poodle mix, had serious injuries. Her right rear leg was rotted and had partially fallen off, and her front leg had bones exposed




Please sign Petition so that Ms. Martinez is held completly accoutable for what she put these little dogs through.

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