Urge the Australian Government to Support Wool Industry Calls for Mandatory Pain Relief for Sheep and Lambs being Mulesed

  • por: Georgina B.
  • destinatário: Minister of Agriculture and Water Resources, Barnaby Joyce

The Australian wool industry is losing its marketing edge to overseas competitors because it refuses to address animal welfare concerns, according to a report on abc.net.au

Modiano, an international wool processor, claims Australian wool growers are losing out to those in South Africa because of animal welfare concerns.

Modiano has been lobbying the Australian wool industry to introduce mandatory pain relief for lambs being mulesed - or to place a nation-wide ban on surgical mulesing.

The report states: "Modiano claims to have support from 70 per cent of all wool combers - which was demonstrated by their petition to the Australian wool industry.

"The petition calls on the Australian Wool industry to make appropriate pain relief for all on-farm surgery a legal requirement regardless the age of the sheep."

Sheep and lambs should not be subjected to painful surgical procedures when pain relief is available! And now Australia is losing its marketing edge because of this animal cruelty.

Will you join me in urging the Australian Government to support wool industry calls for mandatory pain relief for sheep and lambs being mulesed?

Please sign and share the petition.

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