Support the Bird-Safe Buildings Act to Reduce Collisions!

Birds contribute significantly to the U.S. economy, but collisions with glass windows, walls, and other structures kill up to a billion birds a year in the U.S. alone – making this one of the greatest human-caused threats to bird populations.

The Bird-Safe Buildings Act (H.R. 919) recently passed the U.S. House of Representatives and will reduce these deaths by requiring public buildings to incorporate bird-friendly building design and materials. Solutions can be simple and also save energy. Now we need your help to ensure this bill passes the Senate!

Help reduce bird collisions by urging your U.S. Senators to co-sponsor this critical measure to protect our nation's birds.

I ask that you cosponsor the Bird-Safe Buildings Act in the U.S. Senate. This critical law, which recently passed in the House, will help prevent the deaths of millions of birds by integrating bird-friendly building materials and design features into public buildings. These smart solutions, when applied to either new construction or existing buildings, not only save energy but will also be cost-neutral for U.S. taxpayers. 

Thank you for acting now to protect birds across the United States.

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