Save The Amur Leopard From Extinction

The Amur Leopard, a rare leopard found in Russia, is on the verge of extinction!

With only a few left remaining in the wild due to logging, farming, building and poaching- this beautiful species is on a harsh road to extinction if there is not any action done immediately.

The World Wildlife Fund has announced at a news briefing recently that there are only 25-34 of these graceful creatures still living in the wild; a major decline since the beginning of the 20th century when there had been several thousand Amur leopards.

There is some good news. The Amur Leopard can make a comeback if there is immediate action done to save them.

Please, don't let these gorgeous creatures dissappear! Something must be done!

(Photo courtesy of the EFBC-FCC. That is the Exotic Feline Breeding Compound, Feline Conservation Center.

Photo taken by Nancy Vandermey. The cats name is Svetlana. )

With only a few Amur leopards remaining in the wild due to logging, farming, building and poaching- this beautiful species is on a harsh road to extinction if there is not any action done immediately.

There is some good news. The Amur leopard can make a comeback if there is immediate action done to save them.

Please, don't let these gorgeous creatures dissappear! Something must be done!

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