Repower, Refuel, and Rebuild America

It's time to Repower, Refuel, and Rebuild America.
We need to get our economy moving by building a clean energy future. Join us in applauding President Barack Obama's efforts to make energy a top priority, and urge his new administration to adopt these goals:
* Move to 100% electricity from clean sources such as wind and solar, 
* Cut our dependence on oil in half, 
* Create 5 million new clean energy jobs, and 
* Reduce global warming pollution by at least 80%.
Please sign our petition calling on President Barack Obama to introduce a plan in his first 100 days that will reach these goals, and to utilize the federal budget and any economic recovery package to get us started.
Dear President Barack Obama:

It's time to Repower, Refuel, and Rebuild America.

We need to get our economy moving by building a clean energy future. We applaud your efforts to make energy a top priority, and urge you to adopt these goals:

* Move to 100% electricity from clean sources such as wind and solar

* Cut our dependence on oil in half

* Create 5 million new clean energy jobs

* Reduce global warming pollution by at least 80%

We call on you to introduce a plan in your first 100 days that will reach these goals, and to utilize the federal budget and any economic recovery package to get us started.

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