Propose and Enforce Ordinance Against Aggressive Dogs Not Breed Specific

  • por: Sue Lee
  • destinatário: Alabama State Legislators, SENATOR WAGGONER, J. T. JABO

It is commendable that the Homewood City Council wants to propose and pass an ordinance against aggressive dogs because the safety of animals and the community are of utmost importance.  What is sad is that such a proposal is often breed specific, predominantly targeted at the pit bull breed of dog.  It should be the owner of the dog that is addressed and not the dog itself.

There are many other breeds of dogs that can have aggressive tendencies but the only ones that anyone hears about in the news is the pit bull.  No one is alerted to the recent German shepherd attack, some aggression with a Rottweiler, an unruly Doberman and many other breeds.  In proposing this ordinance, it would be unfair to specify any particular breed but be based more on the premise of owner responsibilities and placing stipulations on any dog of any size that could present a threat to humans.

Most dogs of any breed can become aggressive due to fear, threat and frustration.  All dog owners need to be held responsible for the actions of their dogs with a requirement for permits and other limitations for their dogs. When it comes to loose, stray dogs, that is another issue that should be addressed without targeting just a specific breed of dog.  Bottom line is that any dog in a compromising position could become aggressive as a form of defense. Consider permits and other limitations for their dogs. As stated by one of the representatives, "My personal belief is that anybody has the right to have whatever kind of dog they want, but they need to be responsible with that animal.”

Our efforts through this petition is to encourage an ordinance that involves protection from aggressive dogs without naming specific breeds The considerations should involve better owner responsibilities and controlling any stray dog issues.  Picking out one certain breed isn't going to protect the community from truly vicious dogs because any dog can bite. We need to encourage the Homewood City Council to implement a dog ordinance that is not prejudice and breed specific and you can help in these efforts by signing and sharing this petition.


Alabama State Legislators, SENATOR WAGGONER, J. T. JABO - It is commendable and important to implement a dog ordinance that is not prejudice and breed specific. It would be unfair to specify any particular breed but be based more on the premise of owner responsibilities and placing stipulations on any dog of any size that could present a threat to humans. Demand that pet owners have permits and other limitations for their dogs. Also ensure that stray dog issues are monitored to ward off the dangers of aggressive dogs of all breeds.  The ordinance needs to be varied that will benefit all of the community.

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