Urge the Government to Instigate One Kilometre Exclusion Zones Around all Leadbeater's Possum Colonies

  • por: Georgina B.
  • destinatário: Environment Minister Lisa Neville

The critically endangered Leadbeater's possum is again proving a conservation challenge with the discovery of new colonies in forests that are open to logging, according to a report in the Sydney Morning Herald.

The discoveries have prompted the creation of 200-metre logging exclusion zones around the newly discovered possum populations.

However, scientists from the Australian National University say the 200-metre protection areas are too small to be effective, arguing that they need to be at least one kilometre to have any effect in protecting the marsupial.

The situation for the Leadbeater's possum is dire - their known habitats must be protected. It would be ideal if all logging was stopped in the forests of Victoria where they are known to exist but in the meantime, the recommended one kilometre exclusion zones must be implemented.

Will you join me in urging the Government to instigate one kilometre exclusion zones around all Leadbeater's possum colonies?

Please sign and share the petition.

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