• por: Nick R
  • destinatário:

The Worldwide Toy Collecting Community is demanding the re-release of one of the rarest and most highly sought after collectible modern military toys, The Mega V-22 Transport Plane.  Without it collectors have no way to transport military action figures from one toy collection to another. It's abcence has left a void in 1:18 scale toy military collections worldwide.

We the peoples of the Worldwide Toy Collecting Community seek the re-release of one of the rarest and most highly sought after modern collectible military toys. The Mega V-22 Transport Plane from Soldier Force Series 4, by Chap Mei Plastic Toys Mfy. Ltd.

Modeled after the United States Marine Corps V-22 Osprey. It is the single most versitile scale representation of modern military toys ever offered to collectors. BRING IT BACK!


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