Cargo Cruelty: Tell Airlines to Stop Shipping Primates for Research

Something many people might not consider when booking a flight is what, or really who, is packed into crates in the cargo hold of the plane they're traveling on. Unfortunately, some airlines are still supporting cruelty by shipping primates for the research industry.

The British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection (BUAV) has campaigned vigorously to get airlines to stop shipping primates for research with their Cargo Cruelty campaign.

"Airlines play a key role in the international trade in primates for research by transporting monkeys from supply facilities in countries such as Mauritius, Vietnam, St Kitts, China and Cambodia, for laboratories around the world," according to the BUAV.

These monkeys are stolen from the wild, bred in the equivalent of factory farms and shipped long distances in the unregulated cargo hold of passenger airplanes, only to wind up in research facilities.

There are only a few airlines that still support this cruelty by shipping primates. Please support the BUAV's Cargo Cruelty campaign and sign this petition asking the last few airlines who still support this cruelty to stop shipping primates intended for research.

As someone who cares about animals, I was disappointed to learn that your airline transports primates who are intended for research.

Airlines play a key role in the international trade in primates for research by transporting monkeys from supply facilities in countries such as Mauritius, Vietnam, St Kitts, China and Cambodia for laboratories around the world. Cruelty and suffering are an intrinsic part of the trade. Some monkeys are taken from the wild; others are the offspring of wild-caught individuals forced into captivity for a lifetime of breeding. All are torn from their family groups, packed into small, wooden crates and shipped as cargo, usually on extremely long journeys for laboratories in the UK, USA, Europe and Japan. 

Given what we know about the sensitivity and intelligence of these non-human animals, it is unacceptable that they should be made to suffer in this way. The treatment and the conditions they endure are extremely stressful for them. Some become ill and even die in transit. Delays, poor ventilation, noise and temperature fluctuations can add to their misery.
I hope you will consider changing your policies and join the list of other airlines that have taken a stand against this cruelty by refusing to ship primates for research. I will not otherwise use your services when I travel and will encourage others to do the same

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