Critical situation in Ohio as mass euthanasia is scheduled for suffering dogs

Click here: Contacting the Congress: A Citizen's Congressional Directory

  • December 6th, 2010 3:00 pm ET

Harrison County, OH - The pictures taken just yesterday don't lie...frigid temperatures have left dogs suffering in deplorable conditions at the Harrison County Dog Pound in Cadiz, OH.  The photos reveal water bowls frozen over, frozen feces, and dogs with their bodies stuck in wire doors.

The county commissioners:

  • 740-942-4623 or 740-942-3573

  • EMAIL commissioners34@frontier.com 

  • Barb Pincola 740-491-7139

  • Mike Vinka 740-942-8305

  • Bill Host 740-269-2561

The Appalachian Ohio SPCA is attempting to assist these dogs in need. To find out how you can provide them with the resources that are necessary to relieve this horrible suffering, please email aospca@frontier.com

The tax-payer funded dog pound is a colossal mess and it's only getting worse. A statement was released just this morning that the shelter intends to euthanize all dogs at the facility in 72 hours. In the meantime, the dogs continue to suffer.

Languishing in filthy kennel runs that are not protected from the harsh elements. The facility has no exterior walls...nothing to protect those housed here from facing the bitter cold. Adding to the misery are the unsanitary conditions that lead to an increase in disease.

This is an automated response from the Office of Senator Sherrod Brown.This mailbox is only for the delivery of outbound messages from my office, and is not monitored for replies.  If you would like to contact my office, please call 202-224-2315 or 1-888-896-OHIO (6446).  Also, you can contact my office using the form on my website - http://brown.senate.gov/contact/

Rescuers attempting to pulls dogs from the facility have reported that there are dogs already suffering from the dreaded Parvo virus. Statements have been released that there are dogs with bloody diarrhea - dogs suffering without medical treatment.

Imagine the horror of dying from a dreadful disease while lying on feces in below-freezing temperatures. Imagine the fear and depression that a dog experiences at a  "normal" animal shelter and then compound those feelings with the abject misery caused by conditions that no living creature should have to endure. This is not acceptable.

And at the tax-payers' expense? This is wrong on every level. There is no excuse for conditions such as this anywhere in our nation. The United States of America is not a third-world country.

Dear friends,Many petition signatures have been received from around the world expressing outrage over Animal Cruelty & Abuse, which is the important issue here.Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking part in the conversation.  I firmly believe that laws should be strengthened, and enforced to include a Felony charge, for crimes against animals.Hopefully, those responsible for committing this time of heinous atrocity will be charged and jailed.  The petition, along with its signatures was sent to all listed on the target, in addition to government officials, local newspapers and TV stations.All of these defenseless animals who have suffered at the hands of their caretakers, are gone, but not forgotten. May they rest in peace.And may we carry on the good fight in their name. Thanking you,AnimalActionUSA

The following are a list of contacts to send your thoughts to. Please share this information far and wide. The forecast for Cadiz, OH is 27 and snow today - a forecasted high of only 23 tomorrow. Imagine those temperatures for a moment as you reach out to the officials in charge.

The county commissioners:

  • 740-942-4623 or 740-942-3573

  • EMAIL commissioners34@frontier.com 

  • Barb Pincola 740-491-7139

  • Mike Vinka 740-942-8305

  • Bill Host 740-269-2561

The Appalachian Ohio SPCA is attempting to assist these dogs in need. To find out how you can provide them with the resources that are necessary to relieve this horrible suffering, please email aospca@frontier.com.

Time is of the essence - every single minute that passes means another minute of suffering and another minute closer to the euthanization of all dogs currently suffering here. Please network as quickly as possible. Thank you.

Euthanasia is just wrong when it comes to healthy animals that have been displaced for one reason or another.
This petition is an attempt to make the right people see this and stop all the senseless killing. Animal Cruelty is a crime and the killing of an animal in good health is a form of animal cruelty eventhough it is painless.
With the proper government and taxpayer backing the shelters can make the necessary purchases such as medicine/vaccine, food, toys, overhead expenses etc. to extend the time until a loving home is found for all the displaced animals.


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