Save the Taiwanese Humpback Dolphin!

The rare Taiwanese dolphin is born with grey skin that speckles with age until gradually turning pink or white. Now, their population numbers less than 75, yet the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) denied them endangered species status in 2014. Their reason? They didn't recognize this special dolphin as a distinct species.

Also known as the Chinese white dolphin, these creatures will soon die out as coastline threats like pollution, underwater noise, fishing nets and industrial runoff decimate their population.

Taiwan technically has protections in place for the dolphins, but they clearly aren't doing enough. In order to save this rare animal, they need the NMFS to use their influence and declare them an endangered species. As the United States is one of Taiwan's most important allies, they need to step in to prevent the extinction of this unique, intelligent and beautiful creature.

Please sign the petition to urge the NMFS to grant Endangered Species Act protection to the Taiwanese humpback dolphin!

I am concerned about the survival of the Taiwanese dolphin.

The rare Taiwanese dolphin is born with grey skin that speckles with age until gradually turning pink or white. Now, their population numbers less than 75, yet I understand you denied them Endangered Species protection for not being distinct enough.

Also known as the Chinese white dolphin, these creatures will soon die out as coastline threats like pollution, underwater noise, fishing nets and industrial runoff decimate their population.

Taiwan technically has protections in place for the dolphins, but they clearly aren't doing enough. In order to save this rare animal, they need you to use your influence and declare them an endangered species. As the United States is one of Taiwan's most important allies, you need to step in to prevent the extinction of this unique, intelligent and beautiful creature.

I respectfully urge you to grant Endangered Species Act protection to the Taiwanese humpback dolphin. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider this petition.

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