Not just a fish

By keeping fish for almost 30 years, we have witnessed first hand the thousands of creatures that are treated with It's just a fish attitude, and found out they are not just a fish. They have personality. They think, they feel and they have individual personalities. They have good days and bad days. They like some people and others they run from. They bring us joy, laughter, and greet us when we approach them. We hear the peoples complaints. We would like to speak FOR these creatures (In a language everybody can understand). STOP THE KILLING! Our proposal is not to shut the whole thing down but properly educate the hobbyist, the pet store owners (and staff), and wholesale facilities on how to care for these pets properly. We have less than a 1% loss by practicing a few simple principles and using virtually NO chemicals. We should not be playing vet. with these creatures lives. They get 14 feet, You can't let them go and the Aquariums won't take them. Please help us; STOP THE SALE OF NURSE SHARKS TO PET STORES.

We the under signed agree Nurse Sharks should not be sold to Pet Stores.

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