Help Stop the Canadian horse slaughter houses!

  • por: kaitlin
  • destinatário: Canadian Government
well i am ashamed to live in canada knowing that there still is a horse slaughter house up and running so if you live in canada and what this stopped please sign this petition

-ps. sorry for my horrible typing skills-
We the undersigned would like to say,
 the united states has shut down there last slaughter house and i think we should follow there choice. Horses are inhumanly shipped  to Canada and Europe and very inhumanly killed. If we shut down our slaughter houses that means less horses are goign  to die.I Personally love horses and i hate seeing this happen to them.If there still goign to be shipped they should be given a rest, food and water. And after there deaths should be as humanly as possible nobody or horse wants to suffer to death so why do it that way? i just hope that we can help stop this and save the horses.

 thank you for taking the tiome to read this .
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