We demand to know when parvovirus is found in a dog at cleadon kennels

  • por: Leanne Badger
  • destinatário: Sunderland, south Tynside and Gateshead councils

In the recent months rehomed dogs from cleadon kennels in south Tynside have died within days of finding new homes from parvo. Another dog in the kennels was found to have parvo and destroyed. As it is so hard to get any information from this public shelter who put the phone down on many people sing about the parvo outbreak we (the tax paying public ) demand to know when a dog is found to have parvo as our lost and found pets are taken to these kennels and therefore could become infected with a death sentence. We ask that all dogs put to sleep are accounted for and information given when asked for.

Dear Mr Tony Hanson 

we ask that South Tynside Sunderland and Gateshead councils be open and frank about the dogs found to have parvovirus in cleadon kennels. As tax payers we have the right to know if our pets are at risk when being taken to this public shelter. 

Cleadon has a long history of rehoming dogs with parvovirus and we ask that you be fully open when information is requested from the concerned public. 

Many have contacted you about the recent outbreak and you fail to reply , this is not good enough. 

We wish our pets to be safe and therefore you are is a position to grant us the information on number of dogs put to sleep within cleadon and dates that was carried out. 

Kind reguards  

Miss Leanne Evans 

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