Let Blind, Deaf Dog Back in His Favorite Park!

Billy the dog doesn't play rough. He's older, blind, and deaf, which means that dogs his size tend to bully and scare him. So for several years, his owner has been taking him to the "small or timid dog" section of the local dog park.

Last week, though, a park ranger told Billy's owner that Billy had to play with the big dogs or get out. He said that Billy's section of the park was for small dogs only, and that it didn't matter that Billy's disability meant that he couldn't protect himself if any dogs his own size decided to get rowdy.

Billy was never any trouble to the dogs in the park. To a dog that is deaf or blind, changing things to them is like changing their entire world.

Ask the Santa Barbara County Parks Office to let Billy and his owner back into the part of the park where he felt and was safe!

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