• por: Claire Schroder
  • destinatário: Executive Mayor Koketso Calvin Seerane

I heard with HORROR on the radio that Krugersdorp SPCA has been forced to close down!!!!! This is criminal.

The municipality is supposed to keep the doors open. I have since seen two dogs running down Ondekkers Rd in-between the traffic (Main road) – what will happen to them and all of the abused, lost and injured animals – not forgetting the perpetrators of horrific crimes to animals, who will bring them to book? What would happen if your family’s pet got lost. Would it just die on the side of a road?? This is a travesty of justice, complete lack of responsibility from our municipality. I am disgusted and I hope you feel the same way as I do.

This is a DISGRACE. Apparently all of the animals have been taken to Johannesburg 30 kms away!!!. What nonsense. The Municipality has a duty to ALL who live in our district. How can all the animals of the West rand be taken through to Johannesburg? What about next month and month after that. I cannot believe that this has been allowed to happen. Johannesburg have thousands of animals to cope with too.

Something HAS to be done about it. The SPCA has to stay operational. Perhaps you can send one of your journalists to the City Hall and demand and print their explanation. In the meantime animals will die. This is so unfair.

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