Demand an End to Discrimination against Muslims in the Workplace, Now!

1. We, the Muslims Employee Association, are requesting a prayer room for employees at each terminal at the New York City Transit Authority. This room will be for all religions and will contain no religious symbols.

2. We are requesting three days off for each of our holidays which occur twice a year. Any Muslim who has time saved should be allowed up to three days off for "Eid Al-Adha" and up to three days off for "Eid Al-Fitr".

3. We are requesting a change of tour during the month Ramadan for those wish to work the AM tour. Some Muslims find the AM tour more convenient during this time due to the fact that they attend prayers at the mosques at night. Again, this is only for those who request a tour change.

4. We are requesting an accommodation for those who neeed time off to perform the Pilgrimage or "Hajj" which is one of the five pillars of Islam. This is only for those who do not have enough seniority to pick those days off. 

5. We are requesting supervision make reasonable accommodations for those Muslims who wish to make the five daily prayers, each of which can be performed in five minutes or less.

Attention NYCTA employees: Please put your pass number in the optional comment section: "Why Is This Important To You?".

Thank you all for your support. 

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