• por: Ines N
  • destinatário: REGIERUNG CHINA

Every year in China were Mio dogs and cats abused to death for consumtion or leather. With most cruel way you can not believe. ALIVE COOKING, SKINNING, GRILLING. WRINGING, AMPUTATE , BEATEN , HANGING.
The suffer of this poor animals is immens. They have feelings like us, they are near to us like a friend and not for food. Also stolen beloved pets.
Only for this slaughter methods.
Please China, create a law for animals, The human race has to protect them, respect them and help them in all ways. It is INHUMAN to tortur them. There is no right to do this. No religion give this order and no gouvernment should watch only. THE WORDS FROM GANDHI ARE VERY IMPORTANT. THE TREATMENT OF ANIMALS SHOWS THE STEP OF MANKIND.
Make a difference and show us another face of your country, PLEASE.
The world is waiting of you. Can you show us compassion and mercy, like a human race should have ? PROTECT ALL YOUR ANIMALS ,PLEASE, ALSO BEARS. TIGERS, SNAKES ......

All living beings have hearts and souls, not us only.!!! THANK YOU, CHINA

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