Ban Fox Hunting Dig-Outs in Ireland!

The fox hunting dig-out is the cruelest legal hunting practice in Ireland, subjecting foxes and terriers to extreme abuse for the sake of "blood sport" entertainment. In the dig-out, half-starved terriers are sent underground to seek out foxes who seek underground refuge from hunters. The terrier and fox fight underground, causing serious injuries for both animals. Hunters then pull the terrier and the fox back up and throw the live fox to hounds that tear it apart.

This video shows what occurs during a dig-out fox hunt (WARNING: GRAPHIC).

Dig-outs serve no important purpose, and are performed for entertainment and gambling only. Because foxes are torn apart by dogs in this activity, their meat and fur cannot be used to benefit humans. Please urge the Irish Parliament to ban this cruel and wasteful activity.

To: Irish Parliament

We are writing to respectfully urge you to place a ban on dig-out fox hunts in Ireland.

As you may know, the fox hunting dig-out subjects foxes and terriers to extreme abuse for the sake of "blood sport" entertainment. In the dig-out, half-starved terriers are sent underground to seek out foxes who seek underground refuge from hunters. The terrier and fox fight underground, causing serious injuries for both animals. Hunters then pull the terrier and the fox back up and throw the live fox to hounds that tear it apart.

Dig-outs serve no important purpose, and are performed for entertainment and gambling only. Because foxes are torn apart by dogs in this activity, their meat and fur cannot be used to benefit humans. Please consider placing a complete ban on dig-outs. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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