BLM is murdering wild mustang beards instead of using alternative methods of over-reproduction. The killing has to stop. The majestic creatures are the creation of our greater representative and are being wiped out by the thousands. Those who chased a pregnant mare by helicopter(not sure what state this incident happened) until she dropped from exhaustion never bat an eye as they put a bullet in her head while she lay there with the look of fear in her eyes. These horses are what our forefathers rode into war. Not cars, trucks, or limo's, but on the backs of these horses. Whom I might add carried our war heros to safety. You don't see full bred horses being run into cages and trailers to be shipped off to meat packaging plants. Or triple crown winners shot in the head for simply existing. Wanna know why? Cuz to breed a purebred horse is a taxable income so is a prize winning Kentucky derby horse. We as a humane people have to sign a petition to the government who sanctioned these merciless killings. Make it stop. Euthanasia is not the answer. Only when the animal is contagious with disease and incurable or too old and suffering is euthanasia ok. And even then it still hurts to know it has to happen. An alternative method is sterilization. It cost less than putting a perfectly healthy animal down. Especially on the concience of those who are involved in these senseless acts of violence. Isn't the murdering of these wild mustangs"ANIMAL CRUELTY"? Shouldn't that be punishable by the laws our government approved of? Let's do this people. Those horses need our help and I can't do it alone.
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