Stop the Avsallar, Turkey, council before all cats are killed!

Cats and dogs have been poisoned, abused, killed or abandoned in the mountains to let them suffer till they die. Yesterday, five very friendly cats disappeared. They were picked up by the city council's henchmen and vanished. These animals were fed and provided with medical care by their Angel rescuer , who has cared for all the stray and abandoned animals in this Turkish beachtown for a number of years now. Acts like these are common and are INHUMANE and very violent and we demand that these cats are returned immediately!


Cats and dogs have been poisoned, abused, killed or abandoned in the mountains to let them suffer till they die. Yesterday, five very friendly cats disappeared. They were picked up by the city council's henchmen and vanished. These animals were fed and provided with medical care by their Angel rescuer , who has cared for all the stray and abandoned animals in this Turkish beachtown for a number of years now. Acts like these are common and are INHUMANE and very violent and we demand that these cats are returned immediately!


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