Upgrade Seal Point Dog Park in San Mateo, CA

I am creating this petition to upgrade Seal Point Dog Park in San Mateo, CA. Seal Point Dog Park is in need of a remodel. The dogs are running on rocks and dirt. A lot of dogs are cutting their paws or ripping up their pads. Some owners go to the extent of getting Paw Protectors or Paw Socks so they can prevent the dogs from hurting themselves. During the hot summer days there is no where for the pet owners to find shade. The dogs can only get water outside of the dog park.

My proposal is to give the park a remodel. Things that I propose they should add to the Seal Point Dog Park...

1. Astroturf or grass or sand
2. Build an optical course for the dogs.
3. Build more shade & bench areas for the patrons
4. Add water stations inside on each side of the dog park
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