Ontario: Support the Greenbelt Expansion Project

  • por: Amelia Meister
  • destinatário: Glen Murray, Minister of Environment and Climate Change Ontario

The province of Ontario is currently proposing an expansion of the Greenbelt area in the Greater Golden Horseshoe area of the province. The 800000 hectare area would expand by 9000 hectares under the new proposal.

The Greenbelt protection has been a phenomenal environmental victory in the province, where the area is threatened with excessive development and sprawl. By expanding the Greenbelt protected area the province will be ensuring that significantly more rivers, wetlands and countryside will be protected. This will offer a better chance to plant and animal life to thrive, as well as offering more access to nature which is good for tourism and the mental health of the local residents.

Sign today to let the government know that you support this proposal to protect more green space in the Greenbelt area. By signing today you are sending a strong message that rivers, wetlands and undisturbed countryside are important to the province.

To the Honourable Glen Murray, 

As a person who cares strongly about the environment I strongly support the proposed 9000 hectare expansion of the Greenbelt protected area. 

I think it is vital to protect this area because it is under such threat of development and urban sprawl. The area would protect 21 river valleys and seven coastal wetlands which are key to wildlife diversity. 

By going through with with this proposal you will be offering a healthier world to the next generations and promoting more sustainable development solutions in the province. 

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