Tell FACEBOOK that "CRUELTY TO ANIMALS" is a reportable offence.

Currently if you wish to complain about something that you see on Facebook, you have the following options to chose from: It's harassing me or someone I know,  I think it shouldn't be on Facebook,  It's spam or a scam,  I want to report a post, not the entire Page OR It's duplicated or miscategorized.  

With so much cruelty to animals represented on social media, we beilieve that CRUELTY TO ANIMALS should have a designated category for reporting!

Dear Mr Zuckerberg (CEO Facebook),

Like many animal lovers I am often sickened by the animal cruelty I see on the internet and Facebook.  Recently I was outraged by a Facebook Page entitled "Animals smoking Durrys" where defenceless animals are forced to pose with cigarettes and other paraphenaliea forced into their mouths.  When I reported the page I was first dissapointed to find no relevant complaint category to chose from and secondly I was dissapointed that the page was deemed as OK. 

Cruelty to Animals is not OK Mr Zuckerberg and warrants its own category for reporting purposes.

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