Tell Idaho to Remove Wolves' Tracking Collars!

Idaho's wolves are in more danger than ever after the state's Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) illegally placed tracking collars on four wolves in the Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness Area. Since wolves are pack animals, the government can now track any of these four wolves and locate and kill its entire pack.

Idaho officials claim that collaring the wolves was an accident. IDFG received instructions to collar elks in the area, and there was reportedly a miscommunication.

Idaho's wolves are already vulnerable due to their removal from the endangered species list and legal hunting. We cannot afford to compromise wolf packs due to IDFG's error. Please sign the petition to urge IDFG to remove the tracking collars from all four wolves!

We, the undersigned, are concerned that wolf packs are in danger after you mistakenly placed tracking collars on four wolves. Since wolves are pack animals, the government can now track any of these four wolves and locate and kill its entire pack.

We understand that collaring the wolves was an accident. IDFG received instructions to collar elks in the area, and there was reportedly a miscommunication.

Idaho's wolves are already vulnerable due to their removal from the endangered species list and legal hunting. We cannot afford to compromise wolf packs due to IDFG's error. We respectfully urge you to remove the tracking collars from all four wolves. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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