Stop Whale Hunting Plans in S. Korea

Taking a cue from Japan, now South Korea wishes to begin commercial whaling under the guise of "scientific whaling"- the end product of the "science" winding up with a harpooned whale on the dinner plate.

Whalemeat is traditionally popular in and around the southeastern coastal city of Ulsan. South Korea already allows the sale of meat from whales said to have been "accidentally" caught in nets. The by-catch is unusally high, over 100 a year already and it is suspected that it is deliberate, not accidental.

The Agriculture and Fisheries Ministry, which considers all whales "not as endangered mammals but as fish to be captured", should not have the authority to make decisions regarding whaling.

Ban whaling in South Korea.

The International Whaling Commission
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Cambridgeshire CB24 9NP, UK

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Taking a cue from Japan, now South Korea wishes to begin commercial whaling under the guise of "scientific whaling"- the end product of the "science" winding up with a harpooned whale on the dinner plate.

Whalemeat is traditionally popular in and around the southeastern coastal city of Ulsan. South Korea already allows the sale of meat from whales said to have been "accidentally" caught in nets. The by-catch is unusally high, over 100 a year already and it is suspected that it is deliberate, not accidental.

The Agriculture and Fisheries Ministry, which considers all whales "not as endangered mammals but as fish to be captured", should not have the authority to make decisions regarding whaling.

Ban whaling in South Korea.

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