Declare a Moratorium on Horseshoe Crab Harvests in New York

Help Horseshoe Crabs & Shorebirds Survive in New York 

If the Horse Shoe Fits, Save It! 

Please sign this petition asking Governor Cuomo to place a moratorium on horseshoe crab harvesting in New York.

Horseshoe crabs have been an important part of New York’s coastal ecology and heritage for thousands of years but are in danger of disappearing.

Horseshoe crab numbers have dropped dramatically in New York area waters. Over the last 150 years, they have declined 90%. Let’s not let them disappear on our watch.

Horseshoe crabs are in danger of population collapse because the bait fishery trade continues to harvest crabs including thousands of mature female crabs. Without females, the animals cannot reproduce.

Without horseshoe crabs, hundreds of species of migrating birds are in jeopardy. The birds rely on fatty horseshoe crab eggs for food.

At the end of the day, horseshoe crabs are ancient animals of great scientific, ecological and aesthetic importance. They are worth so much more than bait.

Please sign this petition to ask Governor Cuomo and Commissioner Martens to place a moratorium on horseshoe crab harvesting until populations can rebound.

Thank you very much for your help.

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