Don't Let Missouri Open Its Small Black Bear Population To Trophy Hunters.

  • por: Eric Rardin
  • destinatário: Missouri Department of Conservation

They want to let people murder black bears for fun!

Add your name if you want to make sure these precious, majestic bears stay protected!

"The Missouri Department of Conservation is asking Missourians to weigh in on a plan to possibly open a hunting season on black bears in the fall of 2021.

"According to an MDC news release, the limited black bear season would only be open to Missouri residents age 11 or older, with a $25 permit required," according to The Springfield News-Leader.

How can anyone reduce the life of a living thing to $25?

Who would teach a child that killing a wild animal is fun?

"Today, Missouri is home to between 540-840 black bears, according to MDC. Bear numbers are currently increasing each year and bear range in the state is expanding," said the same source.

Let's make sure the future of black bears in Missouri continues to look bright.

Don't you want to protect these innocent animals from brutal trophy hunters that want to murder them for fun?

Then add your name to demand that the Missouri Department of Conservation drop this plan to open the state's bears to trophy hunters, before it's too late!

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