Please help stop the ongoing destruction and careless use of vital wetland buffer zone by private residents in East Providence.
Help start educating local agencies on the importance of imposing strict fines and consequences onto those with no regard for the environment no matter how big or small the ecosystem.
Now makes a difference, this crucial area can be restored and let nature thrive once again.
Protected wetland area in a residential zone has been destroyed and converted to daily personal use without penalty by city or state agencies. Native trees and vegetation has been cut, removed, filled and graded selfishly to extend a residents back yard at the expense of the environment. These actions violate city ordinances as well as wetland acts never mind the continuous trespass onto private property. The city of East Providence, The Department of Environmental Management, The EPA as well as the owners of the property The Darling Development Corp, have failed to ensure protection of this area after repeated requests for intervention. A simple request to section off this vital area and reforest has been repeatedly ignored.
Please help to restore and protect this area with your support!

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