Tell EPA: Don't Jeopardize Our Water Supply!

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently announced plans to drop a proposed rule that would have required large livestock facilities and farms to report information on operations that could cause water pollution.

The proposed rule would have required livestock facilities and farms to report their contact information, location, type and number of animals confined, whether they are covered by a pollution discharge permit and the number of acres on which they spread manure. Dropping the rule gives these facilities carte blanche to dispose of livestock waste in lakes, rivers and streams where it can contaminate food, water and natural resources.

Please urge the EPA to reinstate the rule and place U.S. citizens' health above agricultural interests.

Dear Environmental Protection Agency,

We are concerned with your decision to drop a proposed rule that would have required concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) to report information on operations that could cause water pollution.

As you know, the proposed rule would have required livestock facilities and farms to report their contact information, location, type and number of animals confined, whether they are covered by a pollution discharge permit and the number of acres on which they spread manure. We are concerned that dropping the rule gives these facilities carte blanche to dispose of livestock waste in lakes, rivers and streams where it can contaminate food, water and natural resources.

We urge you to reinstate the rule and place U.S. citizens' health above agricultural interests. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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