• por: Gina Powell
  • destinatário: Maryland Jockey Club, the National Thoroughbred Racing Association (NTRA) and The Jockey Club

The whip is used in horse racing to beat horses towards the end of the race when they're tired or sore and want to slow down. This is cruel and inhumane. Yet, the horse racing industry gets away with it. Just like the bullhook, the whip is another torture device for animals.

During Victor Espinoza's ride on American Pharoah in the Kentucky Derby, he hit the horse 32 times with his whip. 

Please sign this petition to urge the horse racing industry to ban the whip! 

I invite anybody to watch the rerun of the 2015 Kentucky Derby. At the top of the stretch to the finish line the eventual winner American Pharoah was beaten with the whip about 32 times in 32 seconds. Imagine your dog being beaten with a whip you would be charged with animal cruelty. Despite many complaints the Kentucky Racing Commission backed down from public pressure even coming out defending this animal cruelty. Let's stop the horse racing industry from abusing horses for profit now. 

Atualização #39 anos atrás
Horse lovers. Please be a voice for the voiceless racehorse who gets beaten with a whip towards the end of a race when their usually tired and sore. We are so close to 3000 signatures. People from all over the world are outraged at this antiquated practice still being used in many racing jurisdictions. Let's speak out for these slaves for profit.
Atualização #29 anos atrás
Thanks to everybody whose compassion for racehorses getting beaten is amazing. We have over 2000 signatures! Racehorses need our voice. Please sign and share.
Atualização #19 anos atrás
Let's go animal lovers. Calling all horse lovers. We have almost 400 signatures from people who don't want to see horses bring excessively beaten by a jockeys whip. Let's be a voice for the voiceless. Since the Kentucky Racing Commission won't do their job to protect the horse - we will. Please sign and share. Thank you.
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