Stop Endangered Animal Poaching in the Philippines!

According to a recent study published in "Tropical Conservation Science," Philippine poachers are targeting ten animals on the IUCN Red List of endangered species. These animals include fruit bats, macaques, fruit doves, hornbills and the white winged flying fox. Several of these species promote forest growth and regeneration by dispersing seeds. For this reason, threatening their populations places entire ecosystems at risk.

Authors of the study say that current hunting practices are economically motivated, not motivated by hunger. Due to lack of enforcement, even Philippine officials admit to poaching endangered animals. Please sign the petition to urge Philippine legislators to create laws to protect their threatened species.

Dear Philippine Legislators,

We are writing to express our concern with the results of a recent study published in "Tropical Conservation Science." According to the study, Philippine poachers are targeting ten animals on the IUCN Red List of endangered species. These animals include fruit bats, macaques, fruit doves, hornbills and the white winged flying fox. Several of these species promote forest growth and regeneration by dispersing seeds. For this reason, threatening their populations places entire ecosystems at risk.

Authors of the study say that current hunting practices are economically motivated, not motivated by hunger. Due to lack of enforcement, even Philippine officials admit to poaching endangered animals. Please consider creating laws to protect your endangered species and enforce these laws with considerable fines or other strong penalties to seriously discourage poaching. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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