International Indigenous Solidarity with CONAIE - Ecuador

On December 11, 2014 the government of Ecuador under the leadership of President Rafael Correa unilaterally broke the 30-year-old agreement with the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE) that established the headquarters of the organization in a state owned building. The actions of the Ecuadorian government are unjust and unacceptable to the international indigenous community. Such actions by the government of Ecuador contribute to the ongoing violations of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Ecuador and are complicit with similar acts of suppression of the indigenous movement for self-determination across the continent.

We support the call by CONAIE for rejection of the order to vacate the Casa de CONAIE and stand in solidarity with the Indigenous Peoples of Ecuador to have their headquarters restored to them with full and permanent title.

President Rafael Correa,

Republic of Ecuador

It is with great concern and a profound sense of injustice that we receive reports of actions by your government to remove the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE) from their headquarters in the Casa de CONAIE in Quito. The CONAIE is a longstanding sister organization among all Indigenous Peoples of Abya Yala [the Americas], and their headquarters fulfills a very real and important role for Indigenous Peoples not only in Ecuador but across the continent. We cannot accept their removal from the home they have established after 30 years of struggle for justice and self-determination.

We stand in solidarity with CONAIE and call for immediate restitution of the Casa de CONAIE with full and permanent title as a positive act by your government in fulfillment of the International Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Ecuador.


Petición Internacional

Presidente Rafael Correa,

República del Ecuador

Es con gran preocupación y un sentimiento profundo de injusticia que recibimos informes de las acciones de su gobierno para desalojar la Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas del Ecuador (CONAIE) desde su sede en la Casa de la CONAIE en Quito. La CONAIE es una organización hermana de larga trayectoria entre todos los Pueblos Originales de Abya Yala [América], y su sede central cumple un papel histórico e importante para los pueblos indígenas, no solo en Ecuador, sino en todo el continente. No podemos aceptar el desalojo del hogar que han establecido después de 30 años de lucha por la justicia y la autodeterminación.

Nos solidarizamos con la CONAIE y exigimos la restitución inmediata de la Casa de la CONAIE con título completo y permanente como un acto positivo por su gobierno en el cumplimiento de los Derechos Humanos Internacionales de los Pueblos Indígenas en Ecuador.

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