stop governments using our taxes to pay for animal cruelty

White coat waste is where our government uses tax payers money to experiment on animals. Not only is it cruel, it is going backwards on trying educate other companies to stop and ban all animal testing. It is sickening and cruel. Animals have rights! They have the right to live free from pain, from fear and torcher. Animals dint have a voice and there us humans have to be there voice to save them from cruelty and inhuman ways. These experiments are not even necessary, they have use small dogs like beagles to run non stop on a tread mill, till they have a heart attack to explain to people exercise is good for your dog. Now is that what you want your money paying for? I ask you for your help to please stop testing on animals its not okay. And it breaking their animal rights.
Here is a link for more information on the subject.

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